MindfulLiving Business Model

Company Details: MindfulLiving promotes mindfulness, meditation, and self-care practices to help individuals live with intention and reduce stress.

Value Proposition: At MindfulLiving, we are dedicated to providing eco-friendly transportation options and promoting sustainability and mindfulness. We offer a variety of reliable and affordable vehicles to help you explore the city while reducing your carbon footprint. Choose MindfulLiving for a conscious and guilt-free car rental experience.

Customer Segments:

  • Eco-conscious travelers
  • Mindfulness enthusiasts
  • Individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint

Key Activities:

  • Providing eco-friendly transportation options
  • Promoting sustainability and mindfulness
  • Offering a variety of reliable and affordable vehicles
  • Ensuring a conscious and guilt-free car rental experience

Key Resources:

  • Eco-friendly vehicles
  • Expertise in sustainability and mindfulness
  • Customer trust and loyalty
  • Strong partnerships with other eco-friendly businesses

Revenue Streams:

  • Car rental fees
  • Partnership agreements with other businesses
  • Additional services such as guided mindfulness tours

Cost Structure:

  • Maintaining and upgrading eco-friendly vehicles
  • Marketing and advertising expenses
  • Employee salaries and benefits
  • Costs associated with sustainability efforts

Customer Relationships: At MindfulLiving, we strive to build strong relationships with our customers by providing them with a conscious and guilt-free car rental experience. We prioritize transparency, honesty, and open communication to earn our customers' trust and loyalty.


  • Company website
  • Social media platforms
  • Partnerships with other businesses
  • Word-of-mouth recommendations